Maret 10, 2013

Christian Conference of Asia

CCA at a Glance

The Christian Conference of Asia began as the East Asia Christian Conference, which was constituted by a decision of churches, national councils of churches and national Christian councils whose representatives met at Prapat, Indonesia, in March 1957. It was inaugurated at an assembly at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in May 1959. In the light of changing circumstances the 1973 Assembly, meeting in Singapore, agreed to change the name to Christian Conference of Asia (CCA). In doing so, it retained the purpose of the East Asia Christian Conference and provided for continuing work along the same or similar lines.

Believing that the purpose of God for the church in Asia is life together in a common obedience of witness to the mission of God in the world, CCA exists as an organ and a forum of continuing cooperation among the churches and national Christian bodies in Asia within the framework of the wider ecumenical movement.

CCA is committed to the equal participation of women, men, youth, clergy and laity in church and society.

As a regional ecumenical movement, the Christian Conference of Asia continues to strive for:

the promotion and strengthening of the unity of the church in Asia

the exploration of opportunities and the promotion of joint action for the fulfillment of the mission of God in Asia and throughout the world

the encouragement of an Asian contribution to Christian thought, worship and action throughout the world

the development of mutual awareness, fellowship and sharing among the churches in the region, and of relationships with other regional ecumenical organisations and the World Council of Churches

the promotional of common study and action in such fields as evangelism, service, social and human development and international relations

the stimulation of initiatives and experiments in dynamic Christian living and action

the development of effective Christian response to the challenges of the changing societies of Asia

the development and promotion of relationships with people of other faiths in Asia

the protection of human dignity and the promotion of caring for the creation.

CCA seeks to act, from deep spirituality and theology, as a facilitating agent for dialogue and action on issues of common concern and for the breaking down of barriers that separate and cause division between the peoples of Asia.

Its current priorities include:

engaging and sustaining efforts to deepen, strengthen and enliven the koinonia of Asian churches and Christian communities

making more real the 'inclusive character of the ecumenical fellowship'

healing some of the unfortunate divisions and separations that have occurred in the life of Asian churches and society as a result of past political and ideological conflicts

strengthening ecumenical formation in order to make the ecumenical movement a reality to Asian churches, Christian groups and society

pursuing further the expansion of the ecumenical fellowship in Asia to involve both Roman Catholics and evangelical churches and communities

revitalising the ecumenical vision, thought and action in regard to the emerging challenges in the life of Asia and of Asia's place in the world.

Churches joining the CCA are those that confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures and that therefore seek to fulfil their common calling to the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. National councils or similar bodies joining CCA must be councils or bodies that approve this basis.

The CCA family includes the membership of 17 National Councils and over 100 Churches/denominations in 21 countries:- Aotearoa-New Zealand, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Nepal, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand, Timor Lorosae.

The quinquennial Assembly, where delegates chosen by member councils and churches meet for a time of fellowship and enrichment as well as to set forth the priorities and programs for the next five years, is the supreme policy-making body, under Christ.

The General Committee is elected by the Assembly. It is composed of the elected officers and one representative from each country represented in CCA. It has the powers of the Assembly between Assembly meetings and normally meets in the year of the Assembly, and thereafter at least once in eighteen months.

The Executive Committee is elected by the General Committee and is composed of officers and three to five members of the General Committee. It meets in the years when the General Committee is not meeting and other times as required by the General Committee.

There are three program cluster committees elected by the Assembly.

Ecumenical Formation, Gender Justice and Youth Formation (EGY)

Faith, Mission and Unity (FMU)

Justice, International Affairs and Development and Service (JID)

The program cluster committees are responsible to develop and implement the programs in accordance with the mandate of the General Assembly and the guidelines provided by the General Committee. Each program committee, accountable to the General Committee, is served by a staff person, and is presided over by a moderator chosen by the Assembly.

The General Secretariat coordinates Special Programmes to deal with urgent needs and emerging trends. The relevant program cluster and/or consultants assists the General Secretariat in organising and running these Special Programmes. There are currently two Special Programmes under the General Secretariat;

HIV and Aids Concerns

Emergency and Solidarity Fund

Financial Basis
The work and programmes of CCA are supported through contributions from CCA member churches and councils and other ecumenical partners.

Ecumenical Relationships
In the context of the ecumenical task of the church, CCA continues to strive for mutual and reciprocal relationships with other ecumenical bodies, both global and regional, so that the common witness of the churches in Asia is fostered for the benefit of the peoples of Asia.

Januari 13, 2013



Daftar Jumlah

Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT)            : 10.295.013
Laki-laki                                          : 5.091,149 
Perempuan sebanyak                    : 5.203,864 

Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) : 26.443 
Kecamatan                                     : 422 
Desa/Kelurahan                             : 5.875 

Berikut ini daftar jumlah DPT dan TPS di 33 kabupaten/kota Se-Sumatera Utara, untuk Pemilihan Gubernur Sumatera Utara yang akan dilaksanakan pada 7 Maret 2013 :

1.Kota Medan
Jumlah Daftar Pemilih Tetatp: 2.121,841 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 3.942

2.Kabupaten Deliserdang 
Jumlah DPT 1.428,876 jiwa (pemilih laki-laki 710.347 jiwa dan perempuan 718.529 jiwa) degan jumlah TPS sebanyak 2.840.

3.Kabupaten Asahan 
Jumlah DPT: 488.964 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 1.798

4.Kabupaten Batubara
Jumlah DPT: 308.678 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 981 

5.Kota Binjai 
Jumlah DPT: 180.233 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 398

6.Kabupaten Dairi
Jumlah DPT: 195.215 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 650

7.Kota Gunung Sitoli 
Jumlah DPT: 86.594 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 228

8.Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan
Jumlah DPT: 121.055 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 348

9.Kabupaten Labuhan Batu 
Jumlah DPT: 305.555 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 861

10.Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Selatan
Jumlah DPT: 185.792 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 545

11.Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Utara
Jumlah DPT: 232.419 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 818

12.Kabupaten Langkat 
Jumlah DPT: 750.958 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS: 1.687

13.Kabupaten Karo 
Jumlah DPT 263.284 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 603

14.Kabupaten Mandailing Natal 
DPT 280.714 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 733

15.Kabupaten Nias 
Jumlah DPT: 92.229 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 284

16.Kabupaten Nias Barat 
DPT 52.402 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 181

17.Kabupaten Nias Selatan 
Jumlah DPT 226.926 dengan jumlah TPS 1000

18.Kabupaten Nias Utara
DPT 87.219 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 269

19.Kabupaten Padang Lawas 
Jumlah DPT 149.287 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 481

20.Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara 
Jumlah DPT 151.754 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 588

21.Kota Padangsidempuan 
Jumlah DPT 147.277 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 512

22.Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 
Jumlah DPT 27.934 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 101

23.Kota Pematang Siantar 
Jumlah DPT 189.313 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 469

24.Kabupaten Samosir
Jumlah DPT 94.316 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 326

25.Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai
Jumlah DPT 463.507 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 1148

26.Kota Sibolga
Jumlah DPT 69.210 jiwa dengan jumlah jumlah TPS 183

27.Kabupaten Simalungun 
Jumlah DPT 626.965 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 1.494

28.Kota Tanjung Balai
Jumlah DPT 112.420 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 354

29.Kabupaten Tapsel
Jumlah DPT 194.313 jiwa dengan jumlah TPS 635

30.Kabupaten Tapteng 
Jumlah DPT 210.550 dengan jumlah TPS 531

31.Kabupaten Taput
Jumlah DPT 206.216 dengan jumlah TPS 626 

32.Kota Tebingtinggi
Jumlah DPT 120.107 dengan jumlah TPS 381

33.Kabupaten Toba Samosir
Jumlah DPT 122.940 dengan jumlah TPS 448 

Catatan :

Jumlah Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) penduduk Sumatera Utara dalam Pemilihan Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Pilgubsu) tahun 2013 mencapai angka 10.295.013 jiwa. 

Dari 33 kabupaten/kota se Provinsi Sumatra Utara, jumlah pemilih terdaftar terbanyak berada di Kota Medan sebesar 2.121,841 jiwa terdiri dari pemilih laki-laki sebanyak 1.052,120 dan pemilih perempuan sebanyak 1.069,721 dengan jumlah TPS sebanyak 3,942.
Kemudian diikutin oleh Kabupaten Deliserdang dengan, Jumlah DPT 1.428,876 jiwa (pemilih laki-laki 710.347 jiwa dan perempuan 718.529 jiwa) degan jumlah TPS sebanyak 2.840.

Pastikan Sahabat sudah TERDAFTAR dalam DPT, Karena saetiap Suara Sahabat SANGAT MENENTUKAN suksesnya 4 SUMUT BETTER

Salam Sahabat

File : NetNews007.47474.4SUMUTBETTER.08/I/13

Juli 22, 2012

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Segenap Crew NET NEWS Menucapkan :

Juli 11, 2012

Quick Count Hampir Tuntas, Jokowi Tetap Tak Terkejar

Jakarta Perhitungan cepat (quick count) dari berbagai lembaga survei sudah hampir tuntas. Total suara yang masuk ke lembaga-lembaga survei hampir 100 persen. Hasilnya Jokowi-Ahok tetap unggul, tak terkejar oleh para pesaingnya.

Dari berbagai lembaga quick count itu, selisih suara antara Jokowi dengan Foke cukup jauh. Rata-rata selisih suara Jokowi dengan Foke sekitar 9 persen.

Berikut data quick count beberapa lembaga survei hingga Rabu (11/7/2012) pukul 16.20 WIB:

Quick count Prisma yang ditayangkan RCTI, suara masuk sudah 97,4%. Hasil sementara Jokowi-Ahok mendapat 42,75% dan Foke-Nara mendapat 34,53%.
Quick Count Indobarometer yang ditayangkan Metro TV, suara masuk sudah 86%. Hasil sementara Jokowi-Ahok meraih 42,9 % dan Foke-Nara meraih 33,6 %.

Quick count Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI) yang ditayangkan Indosiar, suara masuk sudah 93,66%. Hasil sementara Jokowi-Ahok meraup 42,56% dan Foke Nara meraup 33,60 %.

Quick count Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI) yang ditayangkan TVOne, suara masuk sudah 96%. Hasil sementara Jokowi-Ahok mendulang 43,04% dan Foke-Nara 34.17 % mendulang.

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